Soup Black Bean Vegetable 398mL

Product Code: 042272905041

Availability:In stock



Organic Black Bean Vegetable Soup/Légumes Et Haricot Noirs

The full rich flavor of Amy's Black Bean Vegetable Soup has made it a favorite with our whole family ever since we first tasted it in a lovely little restaurant in Puerto Escondido, Mexico (and begged the owner for the recipe). This delicious soup is high in fiber, low in fat and a good source of protein. It contains no cholesterol, gluten or dairy.


Ingredients : (Vegan) Organic black beans, filtered water, organic onions, organic carrots, organic corn, organic potatoes, organic celery, organic leeks, spices, organic cilantro, sea salt, organic garlic, organic safflower and/or sunflower oil. 

(Végétalien) Haricots noirs biologiques, eau filtrée, oignons biologiques, carottes biologiques, maïs biologique, pommes de terre biologiques, céleri biologique, poireaux biologiques, épices, coriander biologique, sel de mer, ail biologique, huile de carthame et / ou tournesol biologique.